
I am Roshan Wijetunge, often know by my nickname Tosh, I am a bassist, producer, recording engineer, composer and sound designer.

My interest in music began early, and as soon as I got hold of a tape recorder I was off recording and experimenting. My first instrument was trumpet, and I also dabbled with guitar and bass through my teens, but I didn’t get serious as a musician until much later in life. After a mechanical engineering degree, a PhD and a few years working in research, I went back to school and studied double bass at Taller de Musics in Barcelona, before returning to the UK to hit the thriving Bristol music scene. For more than 10 years I played clubs, bars, festivals, private parties, all sorts, which gave me the opportunity to work with so many talented musicians in a huge variety of styles and settings. It also introduced me to my real passion, the studio.

To me it’s an amazing instrument that continues to inspire, challenge and delight. I’ve produced all sorts of things including salsa, country music and jazz, you can hear some of my work on the Portfolio Page. I’ve worked my way up from bedroom studios to magnificent institutions like Rockfield and Real World. I’ve also spent a lot of time location recording with my trusty mobile studio rig.

If you check out my Blog you’ll also see I love making equipment and getting under the hood of software, that’ll be the techie in me